if i could even remember what happened. i don't know why it's so hard to
remember. and you would think i would start making note of these things
considering how often i do this. maybe one day i'll get the hang of it,
i don't know i don't make the rules.
This week was busy, it was full of talking to people, getting to know then area and talking to people.
Tuesday (last time i talked to you guys) we had service in the middle
of our pday and ending up just going out and working after we did
service.. but we were able to talk to people and see some people who
haven't been visited in a long time! and that night we had to prepare a
training for ZLT (a meeting with all the missionaries in the zone)
(sorry i feel like i need to write a missionary lanuage dictionary). so
that day was super off, but it was a good day!
we had two ZLTs this week (because we are in one zone and are over
another zone) kind of confusing. That we were able to give a training on
prayer and finding people to teach. it was good. i really love
teaching, and even more than that i love teaching the gospel.
here's a goal that sister scott and i have for this transfer: 350
street lessons. a street lesson is when we talk to someone and invite
them to do something (go to mormon.org,
meet with us, take a book of mormon, etc.). but this goal has been one
of the greatest motivators i've had my whole mission! it's awesome to be
able to see the Lord's hand in this work by talking to as many people
as we can. since none of our investigators were able to meet this past
week we were in finding mode like this entire week, visiting potentials,
formers, just basically anyone we felt we needed to see we did. and i'm
going to be honest sunday afternoon i started to get a little
frustrated. Melissa, a little girl i taught in St Louis Hills, got
baptized yesterday and we were close enough to be able to go to it. It
was so good to see her make that promise and see people in the ward that
i had come to love and see sister 'alofaki! but it really made me miss
it, and miss the area. and it kind of made me frustrated that it's been
so hard to find people to teach. We were driving back to our area and i
was thinking about it and praying (in my mind) and just telling Heavenly
Father that i was a little flustered and i didn't want to be. like who
wants to be flustered when on the Lord's errand?! no one. but i just
kept getting the feeling to be patient, because good things are going to
happen. well i didn't have to be patient for long because we went and
visited a potential that we have been trying to see all week and she was
finally home! (tender mercy number 1) then she told us that she has
been going through a super hard time and has been waiting for us to come
over! (tender mercy number 2) so we sit down with her and start telling
her what we do as missionaries and how our message will help her if she
chooses to accept it. The spirit was there and i know she felt it, she
told us she feels like this is something she needs to do. We left her
with a Book of Mormon and she told us that she'd start reading tonight.
Father has been so so good to us this week. I think about the times
when i was discouraged, frustrated and maybe even a little teary eyed
this week and it was all worth it last night at 7pm when we met with
Erin. How great it is that we have a Heavenly Father who is so patient
and listens to our prayers no matter how imperfect we are.
I'm grateful.
sister scott!
(yes i drive safely)
Elder Tindell, Elder Spencer, Sister Scott, me at ZLT!
a missouri sunset. i love this place.
Melissa's baptism!
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