so this week was.... very... eventful. and that's not even sarcastic, it was crazy busy.
it happened. it snowed. okay let me rephrase that, it hasn't stopped
snowing since like saturday night. its crazy, i'm still trying to get
used to the fact that it's going to be this cold for a few more months.
but the snow is so pretty when its falling. Sister Scott and i were
doing some planning for the week when it started snowing and we ran
outside and played in it. the child in me just couldn't be contained. I
finally get a white christmas!
9. We are teaching a lady
whose husband is a member and who just had a baby! She is so awesome, i
think i may have told you about her in past emails but i'm not too sure.
she didn't grow up in a church or anything but has loved how her
husbands family took her in. She loves the church and wants to raise the
baby in the church. But anyways. They told us they would be coming to
church this week and we were super excited. but then we got to church
and it was snowing so we weren't sure if they would be taking the baby
out in that weather. but guess what.. they totally did! and he was even
dressed in his little church outfit! The best part about this whole
thing is that his parents are in the ward that we share the building
with and his dad said that they have just been praying for the right
missionaries to come and help them come to church. i love knowing that
when we follow the promptings of the spirit, we can be instruments in
Heavenly Father's hands.
8. I finished the Book of Mormon
this week! woohoo! I know it's true! Reading it this time i marked all
the times it mentioned language (said, command, words, etc.) and it was
soo good! I love reading the Book of Mormon with a question or just
something to look for. Reading it looking for language has just
strengthened my testimony that God still speaks. He's guides us by
calling a prophet and by giving us personal revelation.
i hit 10 months. hurrah for isreal! there were definitely times when i
never thought i'd make it, where i have really felt the prayers of you
guys and when i really just had to square my shoulders and just say
"i'll do it." thank you for everything! and here's to the next 8 months!
6. So we got transfer calls.. and of course i knew i was
getting a new companion because sister scott went home this morning. But
my new companion is Sister Fernandez! She's great, well i've actually
never had a conversation with her but she's serving in the #gmslm (great
missouri st louis mission) so she has to be great, right?
Yes, Sister Scott went home this morning. It was sad, we cried. and so
weird at the same time. We dropped her off at the mission home this
morning and I was talking to some missionaries that i've served around
that are going home and it just hit me that i have made some really good
friends on my mission. It's not really something that i expected to
gain on a mission, but there are so many people her (members,
investigators, other missionaries) that i just love. a whole lot. Sister
Scott and i had fun together, there wasn't a day that went by where we
didn't laugh. She's a great missionary, and she's going to do some great
4. My goal for this past transfer was to finish
the Book of Mormon, but my goal for this transfer is to memorize The
Living Christ! It was talked about in conference how a group of young
women in Alaska memorized it, and i want to do it too! I'm pretty sure
they did this in Young Women's years ago, but I didn't do it then and so
i'll do it now!
3. O'Fallon is doing great! We have been
getting so many referrals and really focusing on helping members with
their missionary work and it's been going great! Some of the members are
helping a lot of Less Actives which is so good because helping people
come back to the gospel is just as important and helping them come into
the gospel.
2. we made cookies&wore cute aprons

1. so remember when i was in st louis hills and we taught a lady named Leona the whole time? well guess what.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and guess what else
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE GOT TO GO TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heart was bursting the entire time. During it she bore her testimony
and in it she thanked all the missionaries who had taught her and never
gave up on her. She was sitting with her husband, who baptized her, and
she daughter and during it all i could think about was how they will be
an eternal family.
Being there and seeing them made
all the hard times worth it. there is no greater joy that has come to my
life than that of helping families become eternal. I love them, and I
love this gospel and what it can do for us. and i love you guys. a lot a
lot a lot a lot.
never forget it.
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