fam bam! i feel like i just sent an email yesterday but i guess it has
been a week! This past week was really good! I don't think there was one
moment of "well what do we do now" we always had something to do this
week! which hardly ever happens, so i'm very grateful for it!
so here are my 3 highlights of the past week:
Nurdin and Naza are getting baptized this Saturday! We thought we were
going to have to change it but then when we met with them and talked to
them about changing it, they looked heartbroken. we took it to Heavenly
Father because He knows them soooo much more than we ever will and we
felt so strongly that they're ready. yes, they don't always understand
perfectly what we're saying. but they feel the spirit. and they read the
Book of Mormon daily. and they LOVE the gospel. what more could we ask
from someone? none of us are ever perfect before we get baptized, or
even after. i'll be the first to stand up and say that i have a lot of
work to do until i become perfected. but that's okay because there is a
way provided for us to become perfect. Nurdin and Naza are on that path.
I'm so excited for them to receive the blessings of baptism. how great
is this gospel!
2. we had interviews with president morgan!
it was so nice to talk to him for a little bit! i told him all about
you guys, hope you don't mind, i just really love you guys. and he
assured me that i was doing a great job with training and the work,
which was exactly what i needed. sometimes i feel like i have no clue
what i'm doing (most of the time i don't), and so it's nice to know that
i'm doing okay and what the Lord needs me to be doing right now.
so we visit a lady in the ward pretty often to read scriptures with her
and practice teaching. She's from Russia and is so sweet, she has had a
really hard life; he husband died in a war, her son also died, and her
daughter stole her identity (right? our problems probably aren't too big
anymore..) but anyways, she is the most honest, loving person i've met.
Well we went to go have a visit with her and got something we weren't
really expecting.. we were outside her house about to knock on the door
and we hear her frantically screaming inside. my heart dropped. i knew
something was wrong, and i was scared. so we decided to knock on the
door because leaving definitely did not feel right. So we knock.. and
she opens the door absolutely hysterical. screaming in russian and
falling all over the place. we walked in her house and everything seemed
normal, but she was still screaming trying to tell us what happened but
of course we can't understand her. we had no idea what to do.. and i
just kept thinking in my panicking mind "what would the Savior do? how
are we going to help her? what the heck even happened?" eventually we
got her to semi-settle down and said a prayer with her, and read some
scriptures. she told us that she had just been mugged and the police had
just left her house and she was so scared because they took her purse
and she had her keys and all of her cards in there. you're probably
wondering why this is a highlight, but i promise there's a reason! we
eventually called her visiting teacher who let her stay with her for a
few nights, who called her home teacher who changed the locks on the
house, who called the bishop who made sure all her cards were
deactivated. all through this i kept thinking "why would someone hurt
her? are people really that mean?" but then i stepped back, and i saw
the ward help, i saw the prayers being said, i saw the hugs, i saw the
service. i saw the good in this very chaotic world. there is still so
much good here. It reminds me of the mormon message when Elder Bednar
talks about light and says that even in a room that is pitch black, the
smallest amount of light will still be seen.
that which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
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